Kamis, 18 Maret 2010



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Kode hadianto di lessthanthirteen
Kemarin malem, Rabu 17 Maret 2010 sekitar pukul 20.00 WIB saya keluar dari kos-kosan untuk membeli nasi goreng. Kebetulan ada nasi goreng keliling yang berhenti tepat di depan kos saya dan kebetulan pas perut da laper. Secara kebetulan pula, saat saya mau menghampiri penjual nasi goreng tersebut, tiba-tiba ada bapak sekitar +/ umur 40 tahun menghampiri saya. Mungkin karena sudah memendam perasaan yang dialaminya dan tidak mampu dibendung lagi, Bapak tersebut langsung bercerita kepada saya. " Mas seharian ini saya mencari kos-kosan, tapi sampai malam ini saya belum mendapatkannya, saya sudah keliling kesana kemari tapi semua kos-kosan yang saya temui selalu minta 350, 400 bahkan ada yang 500 per bulan, saya tidak mampu kalau harus membayar sebanyak itu, saya ini kerja di daerah Menanggal (Surabaya) Mas, bayaran saya Cuma 300 ribu per bulan, saya kepingin mencari kos-kosan yang harga per bulannya sekitar 75 ribu – 100 ribu, supaya ada sisa buat makan dan keluarga di kampung Mas, satu bulan ini saya tidur di mushollah (Tempat sembahyang orang Islam), lama-lama saya malu Mas, saya kerja berangkat jam 5 pagi karena masuknya jam 6 dan pulang jam 6 sore". Mendengar cerita Bapak tersebut saya jadi empati dalam hati saya bergumam " Ya Allah sungguh besar nikmat yang selama ini telah engkau berikan, jadikan hamba orang-orang yang selalu bersyukur dengan rizki-Mu ya Allah". Saya juga bingung harus bilang apa ke Bapak tersebut, saya sempat menawarkan kos-kosan di daerah gang dosen, kebetulan teman adik saya ada yang kos disana dengan harga 100 per bulan (itu kalau kamarnya ditempati dua orang), tetapi karena harus berkumpul dengan mahasiswa Bapaknya keberatan. Akhirnya saya sarankan supaya Bapak yang aslinya dari Nganjuk Jawa Timur ini untuk menanyakan kos-kosan di sebelah timurnya JATIM EXPO, karena motor saya lagi dipakai oleh adik jadi saya dengan terpaksa tidak mengantarkan Bapak tersebut. Bapak itu pun berjalan menuju tempat yang saya tunjukkan, dan saya segera memesan nasi goreng. Setelah saya kembali ke kos-kosan, tiba-tiba terlintas dalam benak saya, Kalau nanti tidak menemukan kos-kosan Bapak tadi akan tidur dimana?...dan banyak pertanyaan-pertanyaan lainnya, tapi yang paling membuat saya menyesal adalah, saya tidak berpesan kepada Bapaknya jika tidak mendapatkan kos-kosan supaya kembali ke kos-kosan saya. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan tersebut satu hari ini mengganggu pikiran saya, tadi siang saya sudah menceritakan kejadian ini sebagai motivasi buat Mahasiswa saya di Program Studi Psikologi IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, sepulang dari kampus saya langsung cerita ke adik saya, tapi rasanya belum lega. Saya coba menulisnya di blog kesayangan ini untuk menghilangkan penyesalan saya.


Pertanyaan di atas akan kita coba analisa dengan teori psikoanalisa dalam disiplin ilmu psikologi.

Psikoanalisa merupakan salah satu aliran besar dalam disiplin ilmu psikologi. Tokoh dari aliran ini adalah Sigmund Freud. Menurut aliran ini manusia lahir dengan membawa dua insting, pertama insting eros, ke dua insting tanatos. Eros adalah insting kehidupan, melalui insting ini setiap orang akan selalu berusaha mempertahankan kehidupan dirinya serta keturunannya, karena insting ini pula manusia melakukan kegiatan reproduksi untuk memperbanyak keturunan. Tanatos adalah insting kematian, insting ini akan mendorong setiap orang untuk selalu berusaha mencari sebuah kesenangan atau melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang bersifat destruktif.

Kenapa dalam cerita di atas Bapak tersebut mau bekerja pagi hingga sore meskipun hanya dibayar 300 ribu per bulan, dan kenapa Bapak tersebut rela harus tidur di Mushollah selama 1 bulan hanya untuk mendapat 300 ribu per bulan. Tentu saja karena perilaku rela berkorban untuk kelangsungan hidup tersebut di dorong oleh insting eros.

Untuk memperkaya wawasan tentang insting, bisa baca artikel di bawah ini.

The life instinct or Eros was one of the two basic instincts described by Freud in Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920g) when he began to construct his structural theory, in which the life instinct stands opposed to the death instinct. The life instinct subsumed uninhibited sexual instincts, instinctual impulses inhibited in respect of their aim and sublimated, and the instincts of self-preservation.

In contrast to the monism of Jung and Adler, Freud upheld a dualistic theory with respect to the instincts. Up until his discovery of narcissism (1914c), he contrasted the sexual instincts, directed toward outside objects, to the ego-instincts, which included the instincts of individual self-preservation. But then his theory needed modifying in order to respond to the discovery that the ego itself could become the sexual object (1914c). Narcissistic libido thus became a manifestation of the pressure of the sexual instincts, and the former dichotomy between ego-instincts and sexual instincts lost its force. Part of the ego-instincts, namely the self-preservative instincts, were now seen as libidinal in nature, and the main conflict became that between narcissistic and autoerotic instincts, that is, between two forms of the sexual instinct.

With the turning-point of the early 1920s, Freud introduced the hypothesis of a death instinct to account for phenomena of repetition that were independent of the pleasure principle, indeed susceptible of opposing that principle (1920g). His dualistic imperative led him to group both the sexual and the self-preservative instincts under the head of the life instincts, as opposed to the death instincts.

In The Ego and the Id, Freud maintained his position on the need to distinguish between the two classes of instincts: "the task of [the death instinct] is to lead organic life back into the inanimate state; on the other hand . . . Eros, by bringing about a more and more far-reaching combination of the particles into which living substance is dispersed, aims at complicating life and at the same time, of course, at preserving it" (i.e., in the interest of evolution). "Life itself," Freud added, "would be a conflict and compromise between these two trends" (1923b, pp. 40, 41). Deeming his "fundamental dualistic point of view" inescapable, Freud was "driven to conclude that the death instincts are by their nature mute and that the clamor of life proceeds for the most part from Eros" (p. 46).

Freud held firm to the dualistic view until the end of his life, as witness these lines from his Outline of Psycho-Analysis: "After long hesitancies and vacillations we have decided to assume the existence of only two basic instincts, Eros and the destructive instinct." The aim of Eros was to "establish ever greater unities," so preserving life; but if "binding together" was thus the task of the life instincts, the aim of the death instincts was "to undo connections and so to destroy things" (1940a [1938], p. 148).

In distinguishing between life and death instincts, Freud sought to introduce a duality within the notion of instinct itself. The outcome was a dual instinct that could be described as two instincts that are so entangled, so melded, that the one can barely have meaning outside of its relationship with the other. This instinctual entanglement arises through the indispensable mediation of the object. Effective instinctual functioning requires that the life instinct serve to bind the death instinct. When the instincts become disentangled, notes Benno Rosenberg, "the subject's cathexis of the object is so massive that he will have difficulty differentiating himself from it. So intense and unbearable is the excitation that the subject will resort to a splitting of the ego" (1991).

The beneficial contribution of the death instinct, as imbricated with the life instinct, is that it allows a tolerable distance to be maintained between subject and object, thus facilitating the working out of the subject's wishes.


Freud, Sigmund (1914c). "On narcissism: An introduction." SE, 14: 73-102.

——. (1920g). Beyond the pleasure principle. SE, 18: 1-64.

——. (1923b). The ego and the id. SE, 19: 1-66.

——. (1940a [1938]). An outline of psycho-analysis. SE, 23: 139-207.

Green, André. (2001). Life narcissism, death narcissism (Andrew Weller, Trans.). London and New York: Free Association Books. (Original work published 1983)

Grunberger, Béla. (1979). Narcissism: Psychoanalytic essays (Joyce S. Diamanti, Trans.). New York: International Universities Press. (Original work published 1971)

Rosenberg, Benno. (1991). Masochisme mortifère et masochisme gardien de la vie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.


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